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36365线路检测中心翻译史与跨文化研究所 “月湖桥畔”翻译史与跨文化系列学术讲座系列(五)


题 目:Travel and translation in Sheng Cheng’s experience at the beginning of the 20th century

讲座人:Professor Alessandra Brezzi(罗马大学)

时  间:2022年12月8日(周四)19:30-21:30

地  点:腾讯会议(会议号181 755 793)


In this talk we will examine an intellectual, Sheng Cheng 盛成 (1899-1996), who devoted much of his life to travel and translation. Sheng travelled for study (in Europe) and later for work (to Taiwan and to Europe again). Throughout his life, he alternated between an academic career and translation work, translating foreign works into Chinese and works of his own literary tradition into French. We will analyze Sheng Cheng’s role in the spread of European culture – literature and art – in 1930s China. Sheng arrived in Europe (in France) in 1921, taking part in the “Diligent work and frugal study” program (Qingong jianxue 勤工俭学), and the following year (1922) he moved to Italy, enrolling at the Padua University, where he studied silkworm cultivation, being one of the first Chinese students in an Italian university. The talk aims to answer the following questions: What did he bring back from this experience? What did he explain about Italian and European culture in the two texts (Haiwai gongdu shinian jishi 海外工读十年纪实 [Records of ten years of work and study abroad] and Yiguo liu zong ji 意国留踪记 [Traces from Italy]) which he composed after returning home?

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