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美国Alabama大学先进计算流体力学技术研究中心主任Yi Wang博士应邀来我校讲学

题目:A Review of Reduced Order Modeling (ROM) and Real-Time Simulation Techniques 
             for Engineering Applications
讲座人:Yi Wang  (美国Alabama大学先进计算流体力学技术研究中心主任)
Dr. Yi Wang obtained his M.S. from the Shanghai Jiaotong University in 2001 and Ph.D. from the Carnegie Mellon University, USA in 2005, both in Mechanical Engineering.  Currently he serves as the director of the Advanced Technologies at the CFD Research Corporation (CFDRC), Huntsville, Alabama, US.  He has been the Principal Investigator (PI) and Project Manager (PM) on 26 Innovation R&D Projects and Contracts (with a total value of $10.27 M) sponsored by US federal government. His recent R&D thrusts include advanced reduced order modeling, data reduction, real-time analysis, and system level simulation tools for both government and industrial applications, such as spacecraft thermal analysis, aeroservoelasticity, management of big computational data, semi-conductor processing, etc. In addition he is also responsible for managing the portfolio of prototyping and product development for biodefense, biodiagnostics, environmental monitoring and control, and regenerative medicine systems in CFDRC. He has authored/co-authored over 60 publications in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings and 5 US patents.
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