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美国北卡罗来纳大学威明顿分校Lee Schweninger教授来我校讲学

美国北卡罗来纳大学威明顿分校Lee Schweninger教授来我校讲学
American Romanticism and the Power of the Imagination
主讲人Lee Schweninger
讲座时间511日下午 2:30 -4:00
In her poem “On Imagination,” American poet Phyllis Wheatley (1753-1784) asks this rhetorical question: “ Imagination! who can sing thy force?” The question is rhetorical because the speaker is not looking for an answer. She knows full well that no one can emulate the force of imagination. Yet the speaker of the poem then goes on to describe how Imagination (ostensibly from a human’s mind) is indeed forceful enough to turn winter into spring or even into summer. At the bidding of imagination the ice on the rivers melts, the flowers return, and the trees blossom and leaf. That is the power of the imagination. Basing an argument on ideas of the power of imagination to actually construct a reality by such romantic thinkers as Coleridge and Schelling, I look at several American Romantic writers, such as Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Henry David Thoreau, and Emily Dickinson to show both the power and the dangers of such Romantic thinking.
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