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英国Teesside University 高级讲师Eric Li博士应邀来我校讲学


    目: Advanced Computational Design and Simulation of Materials and Structure
    人: Eric Li 英国Teesside University 高级讲师
讲座时间: 20191231日上午10:30-11:30
讲座地点: 立功楼3-2会议室
主办单位: 机电 工程 学院
个人简介:英国Teesside University 高级讲师,新加坡国立大学博士,研究方向:计算力学,材料的多尺度建模和设计,生物力学,人工智能,拓扑优化和声学分析。学术兼职:SCI期刊Journal of Medical Imaging and   Health InformaticsInternational Journal of Computational Methods副主编,在SCI期刊发表70多篇论文,多数发表在计算力学顶级期刊,获得ICCM 2015 AucklandICCM 2014 Cambridge最佳论文奖及英国皇家学会颁发的International Exchanges Award,世界计算方法大会青年科研奖,多次在世界计算方法/力学大会做报告和担任分会主席。
内容摘要:Traditional material design is based on chemical reaction, which is quite time consuming and expensive. In this talk, we design novel materials and structures from internal components instead of chemical constituents. Several efficient algorithms will be introduced in this talk to address the locking, uncertainty and coupling problems. The advanced computational algorithm presented in this talk will provide an effective tool to aid the novel design of multifunctional materials and structures.

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