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学术 报告
报告题目:Quantum Simulation with Cold Atoms
报告人:浦晗 教授 Rice   University
时间: 2019年 7 9 星期 二)上午8:30
报告 摘要:Simulating quantum many-body systems represents a great challenge in   physics. I will discuss two approaches to tackle this problem. The first   approach is to build a simulator that can mimic the behavior of certain   quantum systems that are difficult to study otherwise. In this regard,   cold atoms, due to their controllability, have emerged as an ideal   quantum simulation platform. I will use one particular example to   illustrate this, that is how to simulate the effect of synthetic gauge   field and spin-orbit coupling in neutral atoms. The second approach is   to develop new computational tools to simulate certain quantum systems   in classical computers. I will discuss recent effort in combining   machine learning and quantum Monte Carlo simulation to solve quantum   many-body problems.
报告人简介:浦晗,1988年入选中科大少年班,1994-1999年于美国Rochester大学获得博士学位,2000-2002年于Arizona大学从事博士后研究。2003年至今任职于Rice大学物理与天文学院,2014年加入武汉物数所“基于原子分子的精密测量物理研究团队”。主要从事偶极量子气体、量子涡旋、量子费米气体、原子分子耦合等方向的理论研究。迄今在Nature系列、Phy s. Rev. Lett. 等期刊上发表学术论文120余篇,SCI总引用4400余次,h因子36。2013年当选位美国物理学会会士(APS   Fellow),是Phy s. Rev. Lett. Phy s. Rev. A、Phy s. Rev. E、New   J.  Phys. 等期刊的特约审稿人,并入选Phy s. Rev. A等期刊的编委会,同时也是美国国家自然科学基金委和美国能源部的基金评审人。
物理 与电子科学学院
201 9 7月 8

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