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36365线路检测中心校庆 70 周年学术活动
土木学术讲坛第 16 3
报告题目:   风荷载作用下输电塔和塔线体系的可靠度
    人: H an Ping Hong    教授
     间:2 019 5 22 日(周三)下午 1 5:0 0-16 :3 0
     点:土木楼 501
个人简介 :
H an Ping Hong ( 洪汉平) 加拿大西安大略大学土木与环境工程系教授,加拿大土木工程协会fellow,墨西哥工程院外籍院士,中国外专局高端专家。
主要研究 领域 土木工程结构的可靠度与风险评估,自然灾害建模(风、雪、地震),设计规范校准等。 His research aims to provide the information-sensitive reliability-based design of civil structures and infrastructure. Some of his research results are implemented by the code/standard for enhanced and innovative engineering practice. His research group has already developed natural hazard maps focused on extreme wind, snow or earthquake for Canada, Mexico and China.  Dr. Hong is actively participating in several committees for design codification and standard, including National Building Code of Canada, Standing Committee on Structural Design; CSA-S408-81 “Guidelines for the Development of Limit States Design”; Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code; and ISO/TC98-SC3-Load, forces and other actions.  He holds B.Eng., M.Eng., and Dr. Eng degrees all from National University of Autonomous of Mexico (UNAM).  
报告简介 :
We summarize some of the progress made in our research group towards reliability assessment of tower and tower-line system subjected to wind loading. We will start with the assessment of the capacity of tower subjected to winds with the vertical wind profile representing the synoptic wind or high-intensity wind events such as downbursts. We show that the capacity curve obtained by using the nonlinear static pushover analysis approximates well that obtained from the incremental dynamic analysis. Details on how to scale the time history of wind speed for the incremental dynamic analysis and the influence of wind direction on the capacity curves and surface are elaborated. Similarly, the capacity curves and surface for the tower-line systems obtained by considering the spatiotemporally varying winds are presented. The spatial variation considers both the variation of mean wind speed and the incoherency.  A simple procedure to evaluate the reliability of towers and tower-line system for wind events is proposed. The results emphasize the importance of considering the spatially correlated mean wind speed to estimate the failure

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