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题目: Glossary Preparation as a “Shortcut” in Simultaneous Interpreting: Evidence from fNIRs and Eye-tracking Studies
主讲人:李丽青 博士
时间: 2019 5 17 号(星期五) 19:30-21:00     
地点:外语楼 101 学术报告厅
讲座内容简介 :
    Glossary preparation is a well-established practice for professional interpreters (Jiang 2013) and it is generally believed that glossary preparation can reduce the cognitive load on the interpreter (Stoll 2009) and improve interpreting quality (Díaz-Galaz 2015). Models put forward by scholars in the fields of neurolinguistics and cognitive psychology, i.e. Paradis’ (1984/1993) Activation Threshold Hypothesis, Gile’s (1995) Gravitational Model of Translinguistic Equivalences and De Groot’s (1997/2011) Model of Horizontal vs Vertical Translation. However, despite these claims and beliefs from professionals, scholars and trainers about the use and necessity of advance glossary preparation, a new generation of learners may need empirical evidence to convince. From the perspective of cognitive psychology, the lecture introduces a series of Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy ( fNIRS ) and eye-tracking studies conducted at the University of Macau since 2016 to illustrate how glossary preparation enhances efficiency and quality in simultaneous interpreting.

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